Produção científica 2020
Observações: Os nomes dos docentes do PPGFAP aparecem destacados em preto; Os nomes dos discentes do PPGFAP aparecem destacados com sublinhado.
- ALVES-SILVA, G.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. & SILVEIRA, R.M.B. 2020. Bambusicolous Fomitiporia revisited: multilocus phylogeny reveals a clade of host-exclusive species. Mycologia.
- ALVES-SILVA, G.; RECK, M.A.; SILVEIRA, R.M.B.; BITTENCOURT, F.; GÓES-NETO, A. & DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2020. The Neotropical Fomitiporia (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota): the redefinition of F. apiahyna s.s. allows revealing a high hidden species diversity. Mycological Progress.
- BARBOSA, J.A.D.; DELGAT, L., ELIAS, S.G.; ICON, A.V., NEVES, M.A. & CARVALHO JR, A.A. 2020. A new section, Lactifluus section Neotropicus (Russulaceae), and two new Lactifluus species from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Systematics and Biodiversity 18:
- BARUFI, J.B.; FIGUEROA, F.L.; KORBEE, N.; MOMOLI, M.M.; MARTINS, A.P.; COLEPICOLO, P.; VAN SLUYS, M.-A. & OLIVEIRA, M.C. 2020. How macroalgae can deal with radiation variability and photoacclimation capacity: The example of Gracilaria tenuistipitata (Rhodophyta) in laboratory. Algal Research – Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts 50: 102007.
- BLANCO, G.D.; HANAZAKI, N.; CUNHA, S.B.; CREMER, M.J. & CAMPOS, M.L. 2020. Exploring the Interfaces between Ethnobiology and Ecotoxicology: A Novel Approach. Ethnobiology Letters 11: 29-37.
- BOGONI, J.A.; MUNIZ-TAGLIARI, M.; PERONI, N. & PERES, C.A. 2020. Testing the keystone plant resource role of a flagship subtropical tree species (Araucaria angustifolia) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Ecological Indicators.
- BORDIN, J.; VALENTE, D.V.; PERALTA, D.F. & CÂMARA, P.E.A.S. 2020. Sphaerocarpos muccilloi (Sphaerocarpaceae, Marchantiophyta), a critically endangered species recollected in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and Sphaerocarpos texanus, a new record to Brazil. Rodriguésia 71: e02312018.
- BROWN, J.L.; PAZ, A.; REGINATO, M.; RENATA, C.A.; ASSIS, C.; LYRA, M.; CADDAH, M.K.; AGUIRRE’SANTORO, J.; D’HORTA, F.; AMARAL, F.R.; GOLDENBERG, R.; BRANDÃO, K.L.S.; FREITAS, A.V.L.; RODRIGUES, M.T.; MICHELANGELI, F.A.; MIYAKI, C.Y. & CARNAVAL, A.C. 2020. Seeing the forest through many trees: Multi-taxon patterns of phylogenetic diversity in the Atlantic Forest hotspot. Diversity and Distributions 26: 1160-1176.
- CABRAL, F.S., GAGLIOTI, A.L. & FIASCHI, P. 2020. Two new species of Pilea Lindl. (Urticaceae) from Southern Brazil. Systematic Botany 45: 822-825.
- CADDAH, M.K., AUGUSTIN, A.F. & GOLDENBERG, R. 2020. Deflating Miconia (Melastomataceae) from Eastern Brazil, with 31 new synonyms and other nomenclatural issues. Phytotaxa 468: 283-295.
- CÂMARA, PAULO E.A.S. & CARVALHO-SILVA, M. 2020. 180 years of Botanical Investigations in Antarctica and the Role of Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 34: 430-436.
- CARMES, A.A.; DECHOUM, M.S.; MATOS, F.B.; GASPER, A.; LIMA, D.F. & FIASCHI, P. 2020. Ferns and lycophytes from Lagoa do Peri Municipal Park, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Check List 16: 1305-1322.
- CARVALHO, C.R.; FERREIRA, M.C.; GONCALVES, V.N.; SANTOS, A.R.O.; CARVALHO-SILVA, M.; CÂMARA, P.E.A.S.; ROSA, C.A. & ROSA, L.H. 2020. Cultivable fungi associated with bryosphere of bipolar mosses Polytrichastrum alpinum and Polytrichum juniperinum in King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Maritime Antarctica. Polar Biology 43: 1-10.
- CARVALHO, V.F.; ASSIS, J.; SERRÃO, E.A.; NUNES, J.M.; ANDERSON, A.B.; BATISTA, M.B.; BARUFI, J.B.; SILVA, J.; PEREIRA, S.M.B. & HORTA, P.A. 2020. Environmental drivers of rhodolith beds and epiphytes community along the South Western Atlantic coast. Marine Environmental Research 154: 104827.
- CRUZ, A.P.; GIEHL, E.L.H.; LEVIS, C.; MACHADO, J.S.; BUENO, L. & PERONI, N. 2020. Pre-colonial Amerindian legacies in forest composition of southern Brazil. PlosONE 15: e0235819.
- DEMÉTRIO, A.M.; LUSA, M.G.; LIMA, D.F. & RODRIGUES, A.C. 2020. Leaf anatomy of Varronia polycephala Lam. (Cordiaceae). Flora 271: 151677.
- DUQUE, J.; NEVES, M.A. & CARVALHO JUNIOR, A. 2020. A new section, Lactifluus Section Neotropicus (Russulaceae), and two new Lactifluus species from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Systematics and Biodiversity 18: 347-361.
- ELIAS, S.G.; SALVADOR-MONTOYA, C.A.; COSTA-REZENDE, D.H.; GUTERRES, D.C.; FERNANDES, M.; OLKOSKI, D.; KLABUNDE, G.H.F.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2020. Studies on the biogeography of Phellinotus piptadeniae (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota): Expanding the knowledge on its distribution and clarifying hosts relationships. Fungal Ecology 45: 100912.
- FELDHAUS JR., A.; MEIRELLES, J.; QUADROS, K.E.; HERING-RINNERT, C.; CADDAH, M.K. 2020. Melastomataceae das ilhas da Baía Babitonga, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Rodriguésia 71: e02012018.2020.
- FIASCHI, P.; LOWRY II, P.P. & PLUNKETT, G.M. 2020. Studies in Neotropical Araliaceae. III. Resurrection of the New World genus Didymopanax Decne. & Planch., previously included in Schefflera (Araliaceae). Brittonia 72: 16-22.
- FONSECA, M.S.; MARCHIORO, M.L.K.; GUIMARÃES, D.K.S.; GÓES-NETO, A.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R.; SANTOS, V.A.Q.; BARBOSA-DEKKER, A.M.; DEKKER, R.F.H.; CUNHA, M.A.A. 2020. Neodeightonia phoenicum CMIB-151: Isolation, Molecular Identification, and Production and Characterization of an Exopolysaccharide. Journal of Polymers and the Environment 28: 1954-1966.
- FUNEZ, L.A.; FARIAS, D.M.; HASSEMER, G. & GASPER, A.L. 2020. Ludwigia humboldtiana (Onagraceae), a narrowly endemic new species from the subtropical Atlantic Forest, southern Brazil. Phytotaxa 470: 77-89.
- GOETEN, D.; ROGGE-RENNER, G.D.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; BOUZON, Z.L.; FARIAS-SOARES, F.L.; GUERRA, M.P. & STEINER, N. 2020. Updating embryonic ontogenesis in Araucaria angustifolia: from Burlingame (1915) to the present. Protoplasma
- GURGEL, C.F.D.; CAMACHO, O.; MINNE, A.J.P.; WERNBERG, T. & COLEMAN, M.A. 2020. Marine Heatwave Drives Cryptic Loss of Genetic Diversity in Underwater Forests. Current Biology 30: 1199-206.
- HASSEMER, G. & FUNEZ, L.A. 2020. Novelties and notes on Tradescantia (Commelinaceae) from Brazil. Phytotaxa 458: 139-158.
- HASSEMER, G.; DOS SANTOS, A.P.; SHIPUNOV, A.B. & FUNEZ, L.A. 2020. Plantago australis (Plantaginaceae) produces both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers: Field work, herbarium and literature-based evidence. Flora 273: 151724.
- JOHNEN, L.; SOUZA, T.B.; ROCHA, D.M.; PARTEKA, L.M.; GONZÁLEZ-ELIZONDO, M.S.; TREVISAN, R.; CHALUVADI, S.R.; BENNETZEN, J.L. & VANZELA, A.L.L. 2020. Allopolyploidy and genomic differentiation in holocentric species of the Eleocharis montana complex (Cyperaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 306: 39-55.
- KOERICH, G.; ASSIS, J.; COSTA, G.B.; SISSINI, M.N.; SERRÃO, E.A.; RÖRIG, L.R.; HALL-SPENCER, J.M.; BARUFI, J.B. & HORTA, P.A. 2020. How experimental physiology and ecological niche modelling can inform the management of marine bioinvasions? Science of the Total Environment 700: 134692.
- LANDO, A.P.; VIANA, W.G.; DA SILVA, R.A.; COSTA, C.D.D.; FRAGA, H.P.F.; SANTOS, M.; MIOTO, P.T.; GUERRA, M.P. & STEINER, N. 2020. The physiological relationship between abscisic acid and gibberellin during seed germination of Trichocline catharinensis (Asteraceae) is associated with polyamine and antioxidant enzymes. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 39: 395-410.
- LEVIS, C.; FLORES, B.M.; MAZZOCHINI, G.G.; MANHÃES, A.P.; CAMPOS-SILVA, J.V.; AMORIM, P.B.; PERONI, N.; HIROTA, M. & CLEMENT, C.R. 2020. Help restore Brazil’s governance of globally important ecosystem services. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 172-173.
- LUDWINSKY, R.H.; PERONI, N. & HANAZAKI, N. 2020. People and Plants Through Generations of Polish Descendants in Brazil. Economic Botany 74: 319-329.
- MARINHO, L.C.; LUJÁN, M.; FIASCHI, P. & AMORIM, A.M. 2020. Tovomita nebulosa (Clusiaceae), a new species from Cerro de la Neblina, Venezuela. Acta Amazonica 50: 149-154.
- MARTINEZ, A.; ACOSTA, J.M.; MOTA, M. & PASTORE, J.F.B. 2020. A New Species of Monrosia (Polygalaceae) from Argentina, and Revision of this Genus Endemic to the Southern Andes. Systematic Botany 45: 812-821.
- MOREIRA, M.M.; CARRIJO, T.T.; ALVES-ARAÚJO, A., AMORIM, A.M.A.; RAPINI, A.; SILVA, A.V.S.; COSENZA, B.A.P.; LOPES, C.R.; DELGADO, C.N.; KAMEYAMA, C.; COUTO, D.R.; BARBOSA, D.E.F.; MONTEIRO, D.; GONZAGA, D.R.; DALCIN, E.C.; GUIMARÃES, E.F.; DE LÍRIO, E.J.; MATOS, F.B.; SALIMENA, F.R.G.; OLIVEIRA, F.A.; HEIDEN, G.; LANNA, J.M.; BAUMGRATZ, J.F.; PASTORE, J.F.B.; OLIVEIRA, J.R.P.M.; BARCELOS, L.B.; SYLVESTRE, L.S.; FREITAS, L.; GIACOMIN, L.L.; PEDERNEIRAS, L.; MEIRELES, L.D.; LOHMANN, L.G.; PEREIRA, L.C.; SILVA L.A.; NETO, L.M.; SOUZA, M.C.; TROVÓ, M.; SOBRAL, M.E.G.; GARBIN, M.L.; GOMES, M.; MORIM, M.P.; MOTA, M.C.A.; LABIAK, P.H.; VIANA, P.L.; MORAES, P.L.R.; GOLDENBERG, R.; COELHO, R.L.G.; FURTADO, S.G.; SILVA-NETO, S.J.; FLORES, T.B.; DUTRA, V.F.; BUENO, V.R. & FORZZA, R.C. 2020. Using online databases to produce comprehensive accounts of the vascular plants from the Brazilian protected areas: The Parque Nacional do Itatiaia as a case study. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e50837.
- MOTA, M.C.A.; DREW, B.T. & PASTORE, J.F.B. 2020. Salvia rupestris (Lamiaceae), a new species endemic to Arapuá Mountain in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Brittonia 72: 303-307.
- MOTA, M.C.A.; PASTORE, J.F.B.; NETO, R.M. & SALIMENA, F.R. 2020. Lamiaceae of Ibitipoca State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Rodriguésia 71: e00192018.
- NERY, E.K.; VIEIRA, M.E.M.; CAMACHO, O.; CADDAH, M.K.; FIASCHI, P. 2020. Delimiting a constellation: Integrative taxonomy of a star-shaped Hydrocotyle species complex (Araliaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Plant Systematics and Evolution 306: 57.
- OLIVEIRA, F.M.C.; RODRIGUES, A.C.; LUSA, M.G. & MELO-DE-PINNA, G.F.A. 2020. Androecium and gynoecium anatomy of Bromeliaceae species. Flora 263: 151538.
- OSTROSKI, P.; SAITER, F.Z.; AMORIM, A.M. & FIASCHI, P. 2020. Angiosperm endemism in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest biodiversity hot-point. Brazilian Journal of Botany 43: 397-404.
- PAGELS, F.; BARUFI, J.B.; VEGA, J.; ABDALA-DÍAZ, R.; VASCONCELOS, V.; GUEDES, A.C. & FIGUEROA, F.L. 2020. Light regulating metabolic responses of Cyanobium sp. (Cyanobacteria). Fundamental and Applied Limnology 193: 285-297.
- PAGELS, F.; BARUFI, J.B.; VEGA, J.; ABDALA-DÍAZ, R.; VASCONCELOS, V.; GUEDES, A.C. & FIGUEROA, F.L. 2020. Light quality triggers biochemical modulation of Cyanobium sp. – photobiology as tool for biotechnological optimization. Journal of Applied Phycology 32: 2851-2861.
- PAGNOCCA, T.S.; ZANK, S. & HANAZAKI, N. 2020. The plants have axé: investigating the use of plants in Afro-Brazilian religions of Santa Catarina Island. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 16: 20.
- PASTORE, J.F.B.; ABBOTT, J.R.; NEUBIG, K.M.; VAN DEN BERG, C.; MOTA, M.C.A.; CABRAL, A. & WHITTEN, W.M. 2019. Phylogeny and biogeography of Polygala (Polygalaceae). Taxon 68: 673-691.
- PERALTA, D.F.; BORDIN, J.; VALENTE, D.V.; CÂMARA, P.E.A.S. & STECH, M. 2020. First record of the family Gigaspermaceae (Bryophyta) in Brazil. Hoehnea 47: e102020.
- PEREIRA-SILVA, L.; TREVISAN, R., RODRIGUES, A.C. & LARRIDON, I. 2020. Combining the small South American genus Androtrichum into Cyperus (Cyperaceae). Plant Ecology and Evolution 153: 446-454
- PEREIRA-SILVA, L.; LUCHETTA, K.; TAVARES, A.S. & TREVISAN, R. 2020. Sinopse de Cyperaceae na Baixada do Maciambú, Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Rodriguésia 70: e03382017.
- PETERSON, D.; HANAZAKI, N. & BERKES, F. 2020. Do We All Speak the Same Language When Talking Conservation? Caiçara Understandings of Conservation in their Landscape. Conservation & Society 18: 238-251.
- REZENDE, D.H.; ROBLEDO, G.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R.; GLEN, M.; GATES, G.; BONZI, B.; POPOFF, O.F.; CRESPO, E. & GÓES-NETO, A. 2020. Taxonomy and phylogeny of polypores with ganodermatoid basidiospores (Ganodermataceae). Mycological Progress 19: 725-741.
- REZENDE, D.H.; GÓES-NETO, A. & DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2020. Studies on Brazilian Amauroderma s. str. reveal a new species from Atlantic Forest, Amauroderma robledoi sp. nov. (Polyporales, Ganodermataceae). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 147: 199-205.
- RICHARDS, J.L.; KITTLE III, R.P.; ABSHIRE, J.R.; FUSELIER, D.; SCHMIDT, W.E.; GURGEL, C.F.D. & FREDERICQ, S. 2020. Range extension of Mesophyllum erubescens (Foslie) Me. Lemoine (Hapalidiales, Rhodophyta): first report from mesophotic rhodolith beds in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico offshore Louisiana and Texas, including the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. Check List 16: 513-519.
- ROSA, L.H.; SOUSA, J.R.P.; MENEZES, G.C.A.; COELHO, L.C.; CARVALHO-SILVA, M.; CONVEY, P. & CÂMARA, P.E.A.S. 2020. Opportunistic fungi found in fairy rings are present on different moss species in the Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology 43: 1-10.
- SALVADOR-MONTOYA, C.A.; POPOFF, O.; GÓES-NETO, A. & DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2020. Global phylogenetic and morphological reassessment of Fomitiporella s.l. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota): taxonomic delimitation of Fomitiporella s.s. and segregation of Rajchenbergia, gen. nov. Plant Systematics and Evolution 306: 34.
- SCHNEIDER, G.; FIGUEROA, F.L.; VEGA, J.; CHAVES, P.; ÁLVAREZ-GÓMEZ, F.; KORBEE, N.; BARUFI, J.B. 2020. Photoprotection properties of marine photosynthetic organisms grown in high ultraviolet exposure areas: Cosmeceutical applications. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts 49: 101956.
- SERBENT, M.P.; GUIMARAES, D.K.S.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R.; HELM, C.V.; GIONGO, A. & TAVARES, L.B.B. 2020. Growth, enzymatic production and morphology of the white-rot fungi Lentinus crinitus (L.) Fr. upon 2,4-D herbicide exposition. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 17: 2995-3012.
- SOARES, A.S.; HARLEY, R.M.; PASTORE, J.F.B. & JARDIM, J.G. 2020. Oocephalus efigeniae, a New Species of Hyptidinae (Lamiaceae) from Northeastern Brazil. Systematic Botany 45: 375-378.
- STEVANATO, M.; LO, E.; LUZ, L.; RASBOLD, G.; PAROLIN, M.; CAXAMBU, M.G.; TREVISAN, R. & WEBER, P.A.P. 2019. New characteristics of the papillae phytolith morphotype recovered from eleven genera of Cyperaceae. Flora 253: 49-55.
- SÜHS, R.B.; GIEHL, E.L.H. & PERONI, N. 2020. Preventing traditional management can cause grassland loss within 30 years in southern Brazil. Scientific Reports 10: 783.
- VALADARES, K.M.O.; SILVA, F.R. & HANAZAKI, N. 2020. Quilombola perceptions about plant-mediated ecological interactions. Ethnobiology Research & Applications
- VALENTE, D.V.; PERALTA, D.F.; PRUDÊNCIO, R.X.A. & CÂMARA, P.E.A.S. 2020. Taxonomic notes and new synonyms on Brazilian Macromitrium Bridel (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae). Phytotaxa 454: 213-225.
- VANDEBROEK, I.; PIERONI, A.; STEPP, J.R.; HANAZAKI, N.; LADIO, A. et al. 2020. Reshaping the future of ethnobiology research after the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Plants 6: 723-730.
- VANEGAS-LEÓN, M.L.; SULZBACHER, M.A.; RINALDI, A.C.; ROY, M.; SELOSSE, M.-A. & NEVES, M.A. 2020. Are Trechisporales ectomycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal root endophytes? Mycological Progress 18: 1231-1240.
- VASCONCELOS, T.N.C.; ALCANTARA, S.; ANDRINO, C.O.; FOREST, F.; REGINATO, M.; SIMON, M.F. & PIRANI, J.R. 2020. Fast diversification through a mosaic of evolutionary histories characterizes the endemic flora of ancient Neotropical mountains. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20192933.
- WAGNER, M.A. & FIASCHI, P. 2020. Myrtaceae in the Atlantic forest subtropical highlands: species of São Joaquim National Park (Santa Catarina, Brazil). Rodriguésia 71: e04032017.2020.
- WEIDLICH, E.; MIOTO, P.; FURTADO, A.N.M.; FERTS, L.M.; ERNZEN, J.P. & NEVES, M.A. 2020. Using ectomycorrhizae to improve the restoration of neotropical coastal zones. Restoration Ecology 28: 1324-1326.
- ZIZKA, A.; CARVALHO-SOBRINHO, J.G.; PENNINGTON, R.T.; QUEIROZ, L.P.; ALCANTARA, S.; BAUM, D.A.; BACON, C.D. & ANTONELLI, A. 2020. Transitions between biomes are common and directional in Bombacoideae (Malvaceae). Journal of Biogeography 47: 1310-1321.