Produção científica 2018

Observações: Os nomes dos docentes do PPGFAP aparecem destacados em preto; Os nomes dos discentes do PPGFAP aparecem destacados com sublinhado.

  1. ANDRADE, B.O.; MARCHESI, E.; BURKART, S.; SETUBAL, R.B.; LEZAMA, F.; PERELMAN, S.; SCHNEIDER, A.A.; TREVISAN, R.; OVERBECK, G.E.; BOLDRINI, I.I. 2018. Vascular plant species richness and distribution in the Río de la Plata grasslands. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 188.3: 250–256. DOI:
  2. ANDRADE, I.L.M.M.; MIELKE, M.S.; PERONI, N.; SCHIAVETTI, A. Fishermen do more than fish: local ecological knowledge of raftsmen about the arboreal species used to construct rafts (Bahia, Brazil). Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 14: 80. DOI:
  3. ANTAR, G.M.; HARLEY, R.M.; PASTORE, J.F.B.; SANO, P.T. 2018. Novelties in Hyptidendron (Hyptidinae – Lamiaceae) from Brazil: A new species and a rediscoveryBrittonia 1 – 9. DOI
  4. ARAÚJO, A.C.; TREVISAN, R. 2018. Cyperaceae da flora Sul-matogrossense: composição florística. Iheringia Serie Botanica 73: 190-200. DOI:
  5. BARBOSA, C.; PUGNAIRE, F.I.; PERONI, N.; CASTELLANI, T.T. 2018. Warming effects on the colonization of a coastal ecosystem by Furcraea foetida (Asparagaceae), a clonal invasive species. Plant Ecology 219: 813-821. DOI:
  6. BATISTA, M.B.; ANDERSON, A.B.; SANCHES, P.F.; POLITO, P.S.; SILVEIRA, T.C.L.; VELEZ-RUBIO, G.M.; SCARABINO, F.; CAMACHO, O.; SCHMITZ, C.; MARTINEZ, A.; ORTEGA, L.; FABIANO, G.; ROTHMAN, M.D.; LIU, G.; OJEDA, J.; MANSILLA, A.; BARRETO, L.M.; ASSIS, J.; SERRÃO, E.A.; SANTOS, R.; HORTA, P.A. 2018. Kelps’ Long-Distance Dispersal: Role of Ecological/Oceanographic Processes and Implications to Marine Forest Conservation. Diversity 10: 11. DOI:
  7. BAUTISTA-SARAIVA, A.I.N.; BONOMI-BARUFI, J.; FIGUEROA, F.L.; NECCHI, O. 2018. UV-radiation effects on photosynthesis and photoprotection in gametophytic and sporophytic stages of the freshwater red alga Kumanoa ambigua (Rhodophyta, Batrachospermales). Phycological Research 66: 108-116. DOI:
  8. BEGOSSI, A.; SALIVONCHYK, S.; HALLWASS, G.; HANAZAKI, N.; LOPES, P.F.M.; SILVANO, R.A.M.; DUMARESQ, D.; PITTOCK, J. 2018. Fish consumption on the Amazon: a review of biodiversity, hydropower and food security issues. Brazilian Journal Of Biology (Online), Oct29 (Online first). DOI:
  9. BFG – The Brazil Flora Group; CADDAH, M.K.FIASCHI, P.; NERY, E.K. 2018. Brazilian Flora 2020: Innovation and collaboration to meet Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). Rodriguesia 69: 1513-1527. DOI:
  10. BITTENCOURT, F.; STURMER, S.L.; RECK, M. A.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E. R. 2018. Phylloporia minuta sp. nov. (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales): a remarkable species discovered in a small protected urban area of Atlantic Forest. Phytotaxa 348: 199-210. DOI:
  11. BOGONI, J.A.; GRAIPEL, M.E.; PERONI, N. 2018. The ecological footprint of Acca sellowiana domestication maintains the residual vertebrate diversity in threatened highlands of Atlantic Forest. PlosOne 13(4): e0195199. DOI:
  12. BREZO, M.; RADFORD, B.; THOMSEN, M.; CONNELL, S.; CARRENO, F.; BRADSHAW, COREY J.A.; FORDHAM, D.; RUSSELL, B.D.; GURGEL, C.F.D.; WERNBERG, T. 2018. Distribution models predict large contractions of habitat-forming seaweeds in response to ocean warming. Diversity And Distributions 24: 1350-1366. DOI:
  13. BRIANI, B.; SISSINI, M.N.; LUCENA, L.A.; BATISTA, M.B.; COSTA, I.O.; NUNES, J.M.C.; SCHMITZ, C.; RAMLOV, F.; MARASCHIN, M.; KORBEE, N.; RÖRIG, L.R.; HORTA, P.A.; FIGUEROA, F.L.; BARUFI, J.B. 2018. The influence of environmental features in the content of mycosporine-like amino acids in red marine algae along the Brazilian coast. Journal of Phycology 54: 380-390. DOI:
  14. CADDAH, M.K.; MEIRELLES, J. 2018. Miconia goldenbergiana (Melastomataceae, Miconieae): a new species from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Phytotaxa 356: 2. DOI:
  15. CADDAH, M.K.; MEIRELLES, J. 2018. Taxonomic notes on Leandra cordifolia (Melastomataceae). Phytotaxa 357: 2. DOI:
  16. CORPAS, F.J.; FRESCHI, L.; RODRÍGUEZ-RUIZ, M.; MIOTO, P.T.; GONZÁLEZ-GORDO, S.; PALMA, J.M. 2018. Nitro-oxidative metabolism during fruit ripening. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 3449-3463. DOI:
  17. DALOTTO, C.E.S.; SÜHS , R.B.; DECHOUM, M.S.; PUGNAIRE, F.I.; PERONI , N.; CASTELLANI, T.T. 2018. Facilitation influences patterns of perennial species abundance and richness in a subtropical dune system. AoB PLANTS  10: 17. DOI:
  18. DE BETTIGNIES, T.; WERNBERG, T.; GURGEL, C.F.D. 2018. Exploring the Influence of Temperature on Aspects of the Reproductive Phenology of Temperate Seaweeds. Frontiers In Marine Science 5: 218-226. DOI:
  19. DECHOUM, M.S.; PERONI, N.; PUGNAIRE, F.I. 2018. Factors controlling shrub encroachment in subtropical montane systems. Applied Vegetation Science (Online) 21: 190. DOI:
  20. DELLA, A.P.; FAGA-PACHECO, F.; SCHMIDT, W.; MICHELENA, E.; ARAUJO, G. M.; HADDAD, M.F.; VIEIRA, P.H.M.; ZANIN, A.; TREVISAN, R. Florística e fitossociologia de um campo pastejado na Fazenda Experimental da Ressacada, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Biociências 16: 1-10. Disponível on-line em:
  21. DEMEDA, C.L.B.; SEGER, G.D.S.; STEINER, N. ; TREVISAN, R. 2018. Reproductive phenology and germination of Eleocharis laeviglumis R. Trevis. & Boldrini (Cyperaceae). Acta Botanica Brasilica 32: 487-492. DOI:
  22. DUARTE-SANTOS, C.; SILVA, R.O.; SOARES, A.C.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R.; BEZERRA, J.L. 2018. First record of Daedalea ryvardeniana Drechsler-Santos & Robledo (Agaricomycetes, Polyporales, Fomitopsidaceae) in the Caatinga area of Bahia, Brazil. Check List 14: 173-176. DOI:
  23. FEIO, M.J.; LEITE, G.F.M.; REZENDE, R.S.; MEDEIROS, A.O.; CRUZ, L.C.; DAHORA, J.A.S.; CALOR, A.; NERES-LIMA, V.; SILVA-ARAÚJO, M.; CALLISTO, M.; FRANÇA, J.; MARTINS, I.; MORETTI, M.S.; RANGEL, J.V.; PETRUCIO, MAURÍCIO M. ; LEMES-SILVA, A.L.; MARTINS, R.T.; DIAS-SILVA, K.; DANTAS, G.P.S.; MORETTO, Y.; GONÇALVES, J.F. 2018. Macro-scale (biomes) differences in neotropical stream processes and community structure. Global Ecology and Conservation 16: e00498-15. DOI:
  24. FIASCHI, P. 2018. Checklist da Família Oxalidaceae no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Iheringia Serie Botanica 73: 297-300. DOI:
  25. FIASCHI, P. 2018. Checklist da Ordem Apiales no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Iheringia Serie Botanica 73: 127-130. DOI:
  26. FIASCHI, P.; PLUNKETT, G.M. 2018. Revision of the Didymopanax group of Neotropical Schefflera (Araliaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 103: 24-105. DOI:
  27. FREIRE, C.G.; GIACHINI, A.J.; GARDIN, J.P.P.; RODRIGUES, A.C.; VIEIRA, R.L.; BARATTO, C.M.; WERNER, S.S.; ABREU, B.H. 2018. First record of in vitro formation of ectomycorrhizae in Psidium cattleianum Sabine, a native Myrtaceae of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. PLoS One 13: e0196984. DOI:
  28. FRIEDRICH, R.C.S.; SHRESTHA, B.; SALVADOR-MONTOYA, C.A.; RECK, M.A.; GÓES-NETO, A.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2018. Ophiocordyceps neonutans sp. nov., a new neotropical species from O. nutans complex (Ophiocordycipitaceae, Ascomycota). Phytotaxa 344: 215-227. DOI:
  29. GURGEL, C.F.D.; NORRIS, J.N.; SCHMIDT, W.E.; LE, H.; FREDERICQ, S. 2018. Systematics of the Gracilariales (Rhodophyta) including new subfamilies, tribes, subgenera, and two new genera, Agarophyton gen. nov. and Crassa gen. nov. Phytotaxa 374: 001-023.
  30. HORTA, P.A.GURGEL, C.F.D.; RÖRIG, L.; PAGLIOSA, P.; RODRIGUES, A.C.; FONSECA, A.L. O.; MANSON, P.; BARUFI, J.B.; RANDI, A.M.; BUCKERIDGE, M. Climate change feeds climate changes. International Journal of Hydrology 2: 61-62. 2018. DOI:
  31. JARAMILLO, J.C.; KOLLMANN, L.J.C.; FIASCHI, P. 2018. Begonia trevisoensis, a new species of Begonia sect. Pritzelia (Begoniaceae) from Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Phytotaxa (on-line) 381: 51. DOI:
  32. KUHAR, F.; FURCI, G.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R.; PFISTER, D.H. 2018. Delimitation of Funga as a valid term for the diversity of fungal communities: the Fauna,Flora & Funga proposal (FF&F). 2018. Mycolens 9.2: 71-74.
  33. LEAL, M.L.; ALVES, R.P.; HANAZAKI, N. 2018. Knowledge, use, and disuse of unconventional food plants. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 14: 6. DOI:
  34. LEAL-DUTRA, C.A.; NEVES, M.A; GRIFFITH, G.W.; RECK, M.A.; CLASEN, L.A.; DENTINGER, B.T.M. 2018. Lachnocladiaceae and Peniophoraceae (Russulales) and introduction of Baltazaria gen. nov. MycoKeys 37:39-56. DOI:
  35. LELIAERT, F.; PAYO, D.A.; GURGEL, C.F.D.; SCHILS, T.; DRAISMA, S.G.A.; et al. 2018. Patterns and drivers of species diversity in the Indo‐Pacific red seaweed Portieria. Journal of Biogeography 00. DOI:
  36. LEMES-DA-SILVA, A.L.; PETRUCIO, M.M. 2018. Relationships between aquatic invertebrate communities, water-level fluctuations and different habitats in a subtropical lake. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment 190: 548. DOI:
  37. LEONARDI, M.; NEVES, M.A.; COMANDINI, O.; Rinaldi, A. 2018. Scleroderma meridionale ectomycorrhizae on Halimium halimifolium: expanding the Mediterranean symbiotic repertoire. Symbiosis 76: 199-208. DOI:
  38. LÓPEZ, A.; SASSONE, A.B.; FIASCHI, P. 2018. Lectotypifications in Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) for the Flora of Argentina. Phytotaxa 343: 189-193. DOI:
  39. LUDWINSKY, R.H.; HANAZAKI, N. 2018. Ethnobotany in a coastal environmental protected area: shifts in plant use in two communities in southern Brazil. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 14: 65. DOI:
  40. LUSA, M.G.; LOEUILLE, B.F.P.; CICCARELLI, D.; APPEZZATO-DA-GLÓRIA, B. 2018. Evolution of Stem and Leaf Structural Diversity: a Case Study in Lychnophorinae (Asteraceae). The Botanical Review 84: 203-241. DOI:
  41. LUSA, M.G.; LOEUILLE, B.F.P.; APPEZZATO-DA-GLÓRIA, B. 2018. First record of phytomelanin in aerial vegetative organs and its evolutionary implications in Lychnophorinae (Vernonieae: Asteraceae). Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 33: 18-33. DOI:
  42. MAGNAGO, A.C.; HENKEL, T.; NEVES, M.A.; SILVEIRA, R.M.B.D. 2018 Singerocomus atlanticus sp. nov., and a first record of Singerocomus rubriflavus (Boletaceae, Boletales) for Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica 32: 222-231. DOI:
  43. MARINHO, L.C.; FIASCHI, P.; AMORIM, A.M. 2018. Resolving the last combination in Tovomitidium, a synonym for Tovomita (Clusiaceae). Phytotaxa 340: 289-292. DOI:
  44. MASSOCATO, T.F.; RAMOS, J.C.; BASCUÑAN, V.L.F.; SIMIONI, C.; RÖRIG, L.R.; BARUFI, J.B. 2018. Tolerance of Ulothrix sp. LAFIC 010 (Chlorophyta) against high concentration of metals from acid mine drainage. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 157: 227-234. DOI:
  45. MUÑOZ, P.T.; SÁEZ, C.A.; MARTÍNEZ-CALLEJAS, M.B.; FLORES-MOLINA, M.R.; BASTOS, E.; FONSECA, A.; GURGEL, C.F.D.BARUFI, J.B.; RÖRIG, L.; HALL-SPENCER, J.M.; HORTA, P.A. 2018. Short-term interactive effects of increased temperatures and acidification on the calcifying macroalgae Lithothamnion crispatum and Sonderophycus capensisAquatic Botany 148: 46-52. DOI:
  46. OLIVEIRA, F.M.C.; LOUZADA, R.B.; WANDERLEY, M.G.L.; MELO-DE-PINNA, G.F.A. 2018. Morphoanatomical characters in the Nidularioid Complex (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioidae) from a phylogenetic perspective. Flora 239: 111-121. DOI:
  47. OSTROSKI, P.; SAITER, F. Z.; AMORIM, A. M.; FIASCHI, P. 2018. Endemic angiosperms in Bahia Coastal Forests, Brazil: an update using a newly delimited area. Biota Neotropica 18(4): e20180544. DOI:
  48. PEREIRA-SILVA, L.; HEFLER, S. M.; TREVISAN, R. 2018. Cyperus longiculmis and C. valiae (Cyperaceae), Two New Species from Brazil. Systematic Botany 43(3):741-746. DOI:
  49. PINTO, R.B.; LUSA, M.G; MANSANO, V.F.; TOZZI, A.M.G.A.; MAYER, J.L.S. 2018. Morphoanatomy of the leaflets of the Hymenaea clade (Fabaceae: Detarioideae) reveals their potential for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. Botanical Journal Of The Linnean Society XX: 1-12. DOI:
  50. REIS, M.S.; MONTAGNA, T.; MATTOS, A.G.; FELIPPON, S.; LADIO, A.H.; MARQUES, A.C.; ZECHINI, A. A.; PERONI, N.; MANTOVANI, A. 2018. Domesticated Landscapes in Araucaria Forests, Southern Brazil: A Multispecies Local Conservation-by-Use System. Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution 6: 11. DOI:
  51. LEONARDI, M.; NEVES, M.A.; COMANDINI, O.; RINALDI, A.C. 2018. Scleroderma meridionale ectomycorrhizae on Halimium halimifolium: expanding the Mediterranean symbiotic repertoire. Symbiosis 76.2: 199–208. DOI:
  52. HANAZAKI, N.; ZANK, S.; FONSECA-KRUEL, V.S.; SCHMIDT, I.B. 2018. Indigenous and traditional knowledge, sustainable harvest, and the long road ahead to reach the 2020 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation objectives. Rodriguésia (online) 69.4: 1587-1601. DOI:
  53. SALVADOR-MONTOYA, C.A.; POPOFF, O.F.; RECK, M.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2018. Taxonomic delimitation of Fulvifomes robiniae (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) and related species in America: F. squamosus sp. nov. Plant Systematics And Evolution 304: 445-459. DOI:
  54. SCHERNER, F.; BASTOS, E.; ROVER, T.; OLIVEIRA, E.M.; ALMEIDA, R.; ITOKAZU, A.G.; BOUZON, Z.L.; RÖRIG, L.; PEREIRA, S.M.B.; HORTA, P.A. Halimeda jolyana (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) presents higher vulnerability to metal pollution at its lower temperature limits of distribution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25: 11775-11786. DOI:
  55. SCHMITZ, C.; RAMLOV, F.; LUCENA, L.A.F.; UARROTA, V.; BATISTA, M.B.; SISSINI, M.N.; OLIVEIRA, I.; BRIANI, B.; MARTINS, C.D.L.; NUNES, J.M.D.C.; RÖRIG, L.; HORTA, P.A.; FIGUEROA, F.L.; KORBEE, N.; MARASCHIN, M.; BARUFI, J.B. UVR and PAR absorbing compounds of marine brown macroalgae along a latitudinal gradient of the Brazilian coast. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology 178: 165-174. DOI:
  56. SCHUBERT, N.; FREITAS, C.; SILVA, A.; COSTA, M.M.; BARROTE, I.; HORTA, P.A.RODRIGUES, A.C.; SANTOS, R.; SILVA, J. 2018. Photoacclimation strategies in northeastern Atlantic seagrasses: Integrating responses across plant organizational levels. Scientific Reports 8: 14825, 2018. DOI:
  57. SOARES, L.P.; GURGEL, C.F.D.; FUJII, M. T. 2018. Gracilaria suzannae sp. nov . (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta), a new flattened species from northeast Brazil based on morphological and molecular evidence. Phycologia 57: 345-353. DOI:
  58. SOUZA, T.D.; TREVISAN, R.; SILVA, S.M. 2018. Synopsis of Poaceae in the grassland formations of the Parque Estadual do Guartelá, Paraná State, Brazil. Hoehnea 45: 2. DOI:
  59. SÜHS, R.B.; GIEHL, E.L.H.; PERONI, N. 2018. Interaction of land management and araucaria trees in the maintenance of landscape diversity in the highlands of southern Brazil. PlosOne 13(11): e0206805. DOI:
  60. TAGLIARI, M. M.; PERONI, N. 2018. Local varieties of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze (Pinales: Araucariaceae) in southern Brazil: A brief discussion about landscape domestication. Biotemas 31 (3): 59-68. DOI:
  61. TONETTA, D.; BRIGHENTI, L.S.; BARBOSA, F.A.R.; STAEHR, P.A.; OBRADOR, B.; BRANDAO, L.; BEZERRA-NETO, J. F.; PETRUCIO, M.M. 2018. Effects of nutrients and organic matter inputs in the gases CO2 and O2: A mesocosm study in a tropical lake. Limnologica 69: 1-9. DOI:
  62. VAIO, M.; NASCIMENTO, J.; MENDES, S.; IBIAPINO, A.; FELIX, L.P.; FIASCHI, P.; GUERRA, M. 2018. Multiple karyotype changes distinguish two closely related species of Oxalis (O. psoraleoides and O. rhombeo-ovata) and suggest an artificial grouping of section Polymorphae (Oxalidaceae). Botanical Journal Of The Linnean Society 188.3: 269-280. DOI:
  63. ZAMORA, J.C.; SVENSSON, M.; GEML, J.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.Ret al. 2018. Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa. IMA Fungus 9: 167-175.