Produção científica 2014
Observações: Os nomes dos docentes do PPGFAP aparecem destacados em preto; Os nomes dos discentes do PPGFAP aparecem destacados com sublinhado.
- ARAUJO, T.; FIASCHI, P.; AMORIM, A.M. 2014. Erythroxylum (Erythroxylaceae) na Mata Atlântica da Bahia, Brasil. Rodriguésia 65: 637-658. DOI:
- ARAÚJO, P.G.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; KREUSCH, M.G.; KANO, C.H.; GUIMARÃES, S.M.P.B.; BOUZON, Z.L.; FUJII, M.T.; YOKOYA, N.S. 2014. Ultrastructural, morphological, and molecular characterization of Colaconema infestans (Colaconematales, Rhodophyta) and its host Kappaphycus alvarezii (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) cultivated in the Brazilian tropical region. Journal of Applied Phycology 26: 1953-1961. DOI:
- BELTON, G.S.; REINE, W.F.P.; HUISMAN, J.M.; DRAISMA, S.G.A.; GURGEL, C.F.D. 2014. Resolving phenotypic plasticity and species designation in the morphologically challenging Caulerpa racemosa-peltata complex (Chlorophyta, Caulerpaceae). Journal of Phycology 50: 32-54. DOI:
- BINDER, L.B.; SOUZA, V.R.C.; CARON, N.; FARINA, K.; ALMEIDA, C.S.; KLUNK, C.L.; CASTELLANI, T.T. 2014. Projeto Brotar: o fazer Educação Ambiental com crianças. Revista de Ensino de Biologia da Associação Brasileira de Ensino de Biologia 7: 1055-1067. Disponível em:
- BORGES, V.P.; BASTOS, E.; BATISTA, M.B.; BOUZON, Z.L.; LHULLIER, C.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; SISSINI, M.N.; HORTA, P.A. 2014. The genus Melobesia (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) from the subtropical South Atlantic, with the addition of M. rosanoffii (Foslie) Lemoine. Phytotaxa 190: 268-276. DOI:
- BORGES, C.V.; AMORIM, V.B.; RAMLOV, F.; LEDO, C.A.; DONATO, M.; MARASCHIN, M.; AMORIM, E.P. 2014. Characterisation of metabolic profile of banana genotypes, aiming at biofortified Musa spp. cultivars. Food Chemistry 145: 496-504. DOI:
- COSTA, I.O.; HORTA, P.A.; BERGSTROM, E.R.; NUNES, J.M.C. 2014. Taxonomic study of crustose coralline algae off the northeastern Brazilian coast. Phytotaxa 190: 130. DOI:
- COSTA, I.O.; HORTA, P.A.; NUNES, J.M.C. 2014. Spongites yendoi (Foslie) Chamberlain (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) on the coast of Bahia, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 37: 637-641. DOI:
- DECHOUM, M.S.; CASTELLANI, T.T.; ZALBA, S.M.; REJMÁNEK, M.; PERONI, N.; TAMASHIRO, J.Y. 2014. Community structure, succession and invasibility in a seasonal deciduous forest in southern Brazil. Biological Invasions 17: 1697-1712. DOI:
- DELGADO, C.M.L.; PAULA, A.S.; SANTOS, M.; PAULILO, M.T.S. 2014. Dormancy-breaking requirements of Sophora tomentosa and Erythrina speciosa (Fabaceae) seeds. Revista de Biología Tropical 63: 285-294. DOI:
- DEMARCHI, G.; STEFENON, V.M.; STEINER, N.; VIEIRA, F.N.; VESCO, L.L.; GUERRA, M.P. 2014. Ultra-low temperature conservation of Brazilian Pine embryogenic cultures. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 86: 2057-2064. DOI:
- DIXON, R.R.; MATTIO, L.; HUISMAN, J.M.; PAYRI, C.E.; BOLTON, J.J.; GURGEL, C.F.D. 2014. North meets south – Taxonomic and biogeographic implications of a phylogenetic assessment of Sargassum subgenera Arthrophycus and Bactrophycus (Fucales, Phaeophyceae). Phycologia 53: 15-22. DOI:
- DRAISMA, S.G.A.; REINE, W.F.P.; SAUVAGE, T.; BELTON, G.S.; GURGEL, C.F.D.; LIM, P.-E.; PHANG, S.-M. 2014. A re-assessment of the infra-generic classification of the genus Caulerpa (Caulerpaceae, Chlorophyta) inferred from a time-calibrated molecular phylogeny. Journal of Phycology 50: 1020-1034. DOI:
- FARIA, G.S.M.; HAYASHI, L.; MONTEIRO, A.R. 2014. Effect of drying temperature on carrageenan yield and quality of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta, Solieriaceae) cultivated in Brazil. Journal of Applied Phycology 26: 917-922. DOI:
- FARIAS-SOARES, F.L.; STEINER, N.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; PEREIRA, M.L.T.; ROGGE-RENNER, G.D.; BOUZON, Z.L.; FLOH, E.I.S.; GUERRA, M.P. 2014. The transition of proembryogenic masses to somatic embryos in Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze is related to the endogenous contents of IAA, ABA and Polyamines. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 36: 1853-1865. DOI:
- FELIX, M.R.L.; OSORIO, L.K.P.; OURIQUES, L.C.; FARIAS-SOARES, F.L.; STEINER, N.; KREUSCH, M.; PEREIRA, D.T.; ZITTA, C.S.; COSTA, G.B.; HORTA, P.A.; CHOW, F.; RAMLOV, F.; MARASCHIN, M.; BOUZON, Z.L.; SCHMIDT, E.C. 2014. The Effect of Cadmium Under Different Salinity Conditions on the Cellular Architecture and Metabolism in the Red Alga Pterocladiella capillacea (Rhodophyta, Gelidiales). Microscopy and Microanalysis 20: 1411-24. DOI:
- FERMINO JUNIOR, P.C.P.; LANDO, A.P.; SANTOS, M.; PESCADOR, R. 2014. Morfo-histologia de culturas nodulares na micropropagação de Aechmea setigera Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. F. (Bromeliaceae). Evidência Interdisciplinar 14: 85-98. Indisponível na internet.
- FERREIRA, C.; HORTA, P.A.; ALMEIDA, G.M.; ZITTA, C.S.; OLIVEIRA, E.M.; GUEYE, M.B.Y.B.; RODRIGUES, A.C. 2014. Anatomical and ultrastructural adaptations of seagrass leaves: an evaluation of the southern Atlantic groups. Protoplasma 252: 3-20. DOI:
- FIASCHI, P.; FRODIN, D.G. 2014. Two new combinations in Brazilian Dendropanax (Araliaceae). Phytotaxa 159: 236. DOI:
- FIGUEROA, F.L.; BARUFI, J.B.; MALTA, E.J.; CONDE-ÁLVAREZ, R.; NITSCHKE, U.; ARENAS, F.; MATA, M.; CONNAN, S.; ABREU, M.H.; MARQUARDT, R.; VAZ-PINTO, F.; KONOTCHICK, T.; CELIS-PLÁ, P.S.M.; HERMOSO, M.; ORDOÑEZ, G.; RUIZ, E.; FLORES, P.; DE LOS RÍOS, J.; KIRKE, D. CHOW, F.; NASSAR, C.A.G.; ROBLEDO, D.; PÉREZ-RUZAFA, Á.; BAÑARES-ESPAÑA, E.; ALTAMIRANO, M., et al. 2014. Short-term effects of increasing CO2, nitrate and temperature on three Mediterranean macroalgae: biochemical composition. Aquatic Biology 22: 177-193. DOI:
- FIGUEROA, F.L.; CONDE-ÁLVAREZ, R.; BARUFI, J.B.; CELIS-PLÁ, P.S.M.; FLORES, P.; MALTA, E.J.; STENGEL, D.B.; MEYERHOFF, O.; PÉREZ-RUZAFA, A. 2014. Continuous monitoring of in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta) submitted to different CO2, nutrient and temperature regimes. Aquatic Biology 22: 195-212. DOI:
- FREITAS, D.M.; REIS, A.; BORTOLUZZI, R.L.C.; SANTOS, M. 2014. Morphological and micromorphological characteristics of Desmodium fruits (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae). Revista de Biología Tropical 62: 1597-1608. DOI:
- FUČÍKOVÁ, K.; LELIAERT, F.; COOPER, E.D.; ŠKALOUD, P.; D’HONDT, S.; DE CLERCK, O.; GURGEL, C.F.D.; LEWIS, L.A.; LEWIS, P.O.; LOPEZ-BAUTISTA, J.M.; DELWICHE, C.F.; VERBRUGGEN, H. 2014. New phylogenetic hypotheses for the core Chlorophyta based on chloroplast sequence data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2: 1-12. DOI:
- GANDOLFO, E.S.; HANAZAKI, N. 2014. Distribution of local plant knowledge in a recently urbanized area (Campeche District, Florianópolis, Brazil). Urban Ecosystems 17: 775-785. DOI:
- GARCIA, C.; COELHO, C.M.M.; MARASCHIN, M.; OLIVEIRA, L.M. 2014. Conservação da viabilidade e vigor de sementes de Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze durante o armazenamento. Ciência Florestal 24: 857-866. DOI:
- GIRALDI, M.; HANAZAKI, N. 2014. Use of Cultivated and Harvested Edible Plants by Caiçaras? What Can Ethnobotany Add to Food Security Discussions? Human Ecology Review 20: 51-73. Disponível em:
- HASSEMER, G.; BAUMANN, M.C.; TREVISAN, R. 2014. Plantago rahniana (Plantaginaceae): A Narrow Endemic, New Species from Southern Brazil. Systematic Botany 39: 637-643. DOI:×680960
- HAYASHI, L.; BULBOA, C.; KRADOLFER, P.; SORIANO, G.; ROBLEDO, D. 2014. Cultivation of red seaweeds: a Latin American perspective. Journal of Applied Phycology 26: 719-727. DOI:
- LIMA, T.D.D.; GIL, A.S.B.; TREVISAN, R. 2014. Eleocharis pseudobulbosa, a new species of Cyperaceae from Southern Brazil (Capão Bonito, São Paulo). Phytotaxa 166: 293-296. DOI:
- MAGNAGO, A.C.; NEVES, M.A. 2014. New record of Austroboletus festivus (Boletaceae) from Santa Catarina, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 37: 197-200. DOI:
- MARTINS, C.D.L.; LHULLIER, C.; RAMLOV, F.; SIMONASSI, J.C.; GOUVEA, L.P.; NOERNBERG, M.; MARASCHIN, M.; COLEPICOLO, P.; HALL-SPENCER, J.M.; HORTA, P.A. 2014. Seaweed chemical diversity: an additional and efficient tool for coastal evaluation. Journal of Applied Phycology 26: 2037-2045. DOI:
- MAYER, G.A.; SOUZA, T.V.; SANHUEZA, R.M.V.; RUFATO, A.R.; RUFATO, L.; SANTOS,M. 2014. Metodologia para determinação da zona de abscisão foliar em pomáceas. Ciência Rural 44: 982-986. DOI:
- MIGUEL, T.B.A.R.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; BOUZON, Z.L.; NASCIMENTO, F.E.P.; CUNHA, M.; PIREDA, S.F.; NASCIMENTO, K.S.; NAGANO, C.S.; SAKER-SAMPAIO, S.; CAVADA, B.S.; MIGUEL, E.C.; SAMPAIO, A.H. 2014. Morphology, ultrastructure and immunocytochemistry of Hypnea cervicornis and Hypnea musciformis (Hypneaceae, Rhodophyta) from the coastal waters of Ceará, Brazil. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 2: 104-116. DOI:
- MINARDI, B.D.; VOYTENA, A.P.L.; SANTOS, M.; RANDI, A.M. 2014. The Epiphytic Fern Elaphoglossum luridum (Fée) Christ. (Dryopteridaceae) from Central and South America: Morphological and Physiological Responses to Water Stress. The Scientific World Journal 2014: ID 817892, 9 pages. DOI:
- MINARDI, B.D.; VOYTENA, A.P.L.; SANTOS, M.; RANDI, A.M. 2014. Water stress and abscisic acid treatments induce the CAM pathway in the epiphytic fern Vittaria lineata (L.) Smith. Photosynthetica 52: 404-412. DOI:
- NILSSON, R.H.; HYDE, K.D.; PAWŁ; RYBERG, M.; TEDERSOO, L.; NEVES, M.A.; PEREIRA, O.L.; PINHO, D.B.; LARSSON, E.; LARSSON, K.-H.; KÕLJALG, U.; ABARENKOV, K. 2014. Improving ITS sequence data for identification of plant pathogenic fungi. Fungal Diversity 67: 11-19. DOI:
- PEREIRA, D.T.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; BOUZON, Z.L.; OURIQUES, L.C. 2014. The effects of ultraviolet radiation-B response on the morphology, ultrastructure, and photosynthetic pigments of Laurencia catarinensis and Palisada flagellifera (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta): a comparative study. Journal of Applied Phycology 26: 2443-2452. DOI:
- POLO, L.K.; FELIX, M.R.L.; KREUSCH, M.; PEREIRA, D.T.; COSTA, G.B.; ZITTA, C.S.; OURIQUES, L.C.; CHOW, F.; RAMLOV, F.; MARASCHIN, M.; BOUZON, Z.L.; SCHMIDT, E.C. 2014. Photoacclimation Responses of the Brown Macroalga Sargassum cymosum to the Combined Influence of UV Radiation and Salinity: Cytochemical and Ultrastructural Organization and Photosynthetic Performance. Photochemistry and Photobiology 90: 560-573. DOI:
- PRADO, J.P.C.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; STEINMACHER, D.A.; GUERRA, M.P.; BOUZON, Z.L.; DAL VESCO, L.L.; PESCADOR, R. 2014. Seed morphology of Vriesea friburgensis var. paludosa L.B. Sm. (Bromeliaceae). Hoehnea 41: 553-562. DOI:
- RAMLOV, F.; CARVALHO, T.J.G.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; MARTINS, C.D.L.; KREUSCH, M.G.; RODRIGUES, E.R.O.; BAUER, C.M.; BOUZON, Z.L.; HORTA, P.A.; MARASCHIN, M. 2014. Metabolic and cellular alterations induced by diesel oil in Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J. V. Lamour. (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology 26: 1879-1888. DOI:
- RANDI, A.M.; FREITAS, M.C.A.; RODRIGUES, A.C.; MARASCHIN, M.; TORRES, M.A. 2014. Acclimation and photoprotection of young gametophytes of Acrostichum danaeifolium to UV-B stress. Photosynthetica 52: 50-56. DOI:
- REBOURS, C.; MARINHO-SORIANO, E.; ZERTUCHE-GONZÁLEZ, J.A.; HAYASHI, L.; VÁSQUEZ, J.A.; KRADOLFER, P.; SORIANO, G.; UGARTE, R.; ABREU, M.H.; BAY-LARSEN, I.; HOVELSRUD, G.; RØDVEN, R.; ROBLEDO, D. 2014. Seaweeds: an opportunity for wealth and sustainable livelihood for coastal communities. Journal of Applied Phycology 26: 1939-1951. DOI:
- RODRIGUEZ, R.R.; MANEVELDT, G.W.; HORTA, P.A.; FIGUEIREDO, M. 2014. Systematics and biogeography of the subclass Corallinophycideae (Rhodophyta) from the Atlantic Ocean. Phytotaxa 190: 3. DOI:
- ROVER, T.; ZITTA, C.S.; HABLE, W.; BOUZON, Z.L. 2014. Ultrastructural and structural characterization of zygotes and embryos during development in Sargassum cymosum (Phaeophyceae, Fucales). Protoplasma 252: p. 505-518. DOI:
- SANTOS, R.W.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; FELIX, M.R.L.; POLO, L.K.; KREUSCH, M.; PEREIRA, D.T.; COSTA, G.B.; ZITTA, C.S.; CHOW, F.; RAMLOV, F.; MARASCHIN, M.; BOUZON, Z.L. 2014. Bioabsorption of cadmium, copper and lead by the red macroalga Gelidium floridanum: Physiological responses and ultrastructure features. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 105: 80-89. DOI:
- SISSINI, M.N.; LONGO, G.O.; MARTINS, C.D.L.; FLOETER, S.R.; PEREIRA, S.B.; HORTA, P.A. 2014. First record of the green alga Halimeda (Bryopsidales: Chlorophyta) at Rocas Atoll natural dispersion or anthropogenic causes? Marine Biodiversity Records 7: 1-5. DOI:
- SISSINI, M.N.; OLIVEIRA, M.C.; GABRIELSON, P.W.; ROBINSON, N.M.; OKOLODKOV, Y.B.; RIOSMENA-RODRÍGUEZ, R.; HORTA, P.A. 2014. Mesophyllum erubescens (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) – so many species in one epithet. Phytotaxa 190: 299. DOI:
- STENGEL, D.B.; CONDE-ÁLVAREZ, R.; CONNAN, S.; NITSCHKE, U.; ARENAS, F.; ABREU, H.; BARUFI, J.B.; ROBLEDO, D.; MALTA, E.J.; MATA, M.; KONOTCHICK, T.; NASSAR, C.; PÉREZ-RUZAFA, A.; LÓPEZ, D.; MARQUARDT, R.; VAZ-PINTO, F.; CELIS-PLÁ, P.S.M.; HERMOSO, M.; RUIZ, E.; ORDOÑEZ, G.; FLORES, P.; ZANOLLA, M.; BAÑARES-ESPAÑA, E.; ALTAMIRANO, M., et al. 2014. Short-term effects of CO2, nutrients and temperature on three marine macroalgae under solar radiation. Aquatic Biology 22: 159-176. DOI:
- TREVISAN, R.; GONZÁLEZ-ELIZONDO, M.S.; WEBER, P.A.P.; BOLDRINI, I.I. 2014. Three new species of Eleocharis subgen. Scirpidium (Cyperaceae) and a key to the subgenus in Brazil. Novon 23: 236-240. (Indisponível on-line)
- UARROTA, V.G.; MORESCO, R.; COELHO, B.; NUNES, E.C.; PERUCH, L.A.M.; NEUBERT, E.O.; ROCHA, M.; MARASCHIN, M. 2014. Metabolomics combined with chemometric tools (PCA, HCA, PLS-DA and SVM) for screening cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots during postharvest physiological deterioration. Food Chemistry 161: 67-78. DOI:
- UARROTA, V.G.; SEVERINO, R.B.; MALINOWSKY, C.; OLIVEIRA, S.K.; KUHNEN, S.; YUNES, R.A.; MARASCHIN, M. 2014. Biochemical Profile of Leaf, Silk and Grain Samples of Eight Maize Landraces (Zea mays L.) Cultivated in Two Low-Input Agricultural Systems. Journal of Food Biochemistry 38: 551-562. DOI:
- VIEIRA-PINTO, T.; OLIVEIRA, M.C.; BOUZON, J.; SISSINI, M.; RICHARDS, J.L.; RIOSMENA-RODRÍGUEZ, R.; HORTA, P.A. 2014. Lithophyllum species from Brazilian coast: range extension of Lithophyllum margaritae and description of Lithophyllum atlanticum sp. nov. (Corallinales, Corallinophycidae, Rhodophyta). Phytotaxa 190: 355-369. DOI:
- WERNBERG, T.; RUSSELL, B.D.; BRADSHAW, C.J.A.; GURGEL, C.F.D.; THOMSEN, M.S.; POLOCZANSKA, E.; CONNELL, S.D. 2014. Misconceptions about analyses of Australian seaweed collections. Phycologia 53: 215-220. DOI:
- ZENI, A.L.B.; VANDRESEN-FILHO, S.; DAL-CIM, T.; MARTINS, W.C.; BERTOLDO, D.B.; MARASCHIN, M.; TASCA, C.I. 2014. Aloysia gratissima prevents cellular damage induced by glutamatergic excitotoxicity. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 66: 1294-302. DOI:
- ZITTA, C.S.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; FELIX, M.R.; POLO, L.K.; ROVER, T.; KREUSCH, M.; PEREIRA, D.T.; CHOW, F.; RAMLOV, F.; MARASCHIN, M.; BOUZON, Z.L. 2014. Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation (UVA+UVB) on Young Gametophytes of Gelidium floridanum: Growth Rate, Photosynthetic Pigments, Carotenoids, Photosynthetic Performance, and Ultrastructure. Photochemistry and Photobiology 90: 1050-1060. DOI:
- ZITTA, C.S.; ROVER, T.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; FELIX, M.R.L.; POLO, L.K.; SANTOS, R.; COSTA, G.B.; KREUSCH, M.; PEREIRA, D.T.; OURIQUES, L.C.; BOUZON, Z.L. 2014. Effects of brefeldin A on the endomembrane system and germ tube formation of the tetraspore of Gelidium floridanum (Rhodophyta, Florideophyceae). Journal of Phycology 50: 577-586. DOI: