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Produção científica 2016

Observações: Os nomes dos docentes do PPGFAP aparecem destacados em preto; Os nomes dos discentes do PPGFAP aparecem destacados com sublinhado.

  1. AMORIM, A.M.; LISBOA, D.S.; MARINHO, L.C.; FIASCHI, P. 2016. Novelties in Tapura (Dichapetalaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Systematic Botany 41: 747–757. DOI:
  2. ARALDI, C.G.; COELHO, C.M.M.; MARASCHIN, M. 2016. Metabolic profile of Brazilian pine embryos and megagametophyte of stored seeds. African Journal of Agricultural Research 11: 760-768. DOI:
  3. BACCI, L.F.; CADDAH, M.K.; GOLDENBERG, R. 2016. The genus Miconia (Melastomataceae) in Espírito Santo, Brazil. Phytotaxa 271: 001–092. DOI:
  4. CARVALHO-SOBRINHO, J.; QUEIROZ, L.P.; ALVERSON, W.S.; ALCANTARA, S.; MOTA, A.C.; BAUM, D.A. 2016. Revisiting the phylogeny of Bombacoideae (Malvaceae): Novel relationships, morphologically cohesive clades, and a new tribal classification based on multilocus phylogenetic analyses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 101: 56-74. DOI:
  5. CELIS-PLÁ, P.S.M.; BOUZON, Z.L.; HALL-SPENCER, J.M.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; KORBEE, N.; FIGUEROA, F.L. 2016. Seasonal biochemical and photophysiological responses in the intertidal macroalga Cystoseira tamariscifolia (Ochrophyta). Marine Environmental Research 115: 89-97. DOI:
  6. COPERTINO, M.S.; CREED, J.C.; LANARI, M.O.; MAGALHÃES, K.; BARROS, K.; LANA, P.C.; SORDO, L.; HORTA, P. A. 2016. Seagrass and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (VAS) Habitats off the Coast of Brazil: state of knowledge, conservation and main threats. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 64: 53-80. DOI:
  7. COSTA, G.B.; FELIX, M.R.L.; SIMIONI, C.; RAMLOV, F.; OLIVEIRA, E.R.; PEREIRA, D.T.; MARASCHIN, M.; CHOW, F.; HORTA, P.A.; LALAU, C.M.; COSTA, C. H.; MATIAS, W.G.; BOUZON, Z.L.; SCHMIDT, E.C. 2016. Effects of copper and lead exposure on the ecophysiology of the brown seaweed Sargassum cymosumProtoplasma, 253: 111-125. DOI:
  8. COSTA-REZENDE, D.H.; GUGLIOTTA, A.M.; GÓES-NETO, A.; RECK, M.A.; ROBLEDO, G.L.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2016. Amauroderma calcitum sp. nov. and notes on taxonomy and distribution of Amauroderma species (Ganodermataceae). Phytotaxa 244: 101-124. DOI:
  9. DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R.; ROBLEDO, G.; LIMA-JUNIOR, N.C.; MALOSSO, E.; RECK, M.A.; GIBERTONI, T.B.; CAVALCANTI, M.A.Q.; RAJCHENBERG, M. 2016. Phellinotus, a new neotropical genus in the Hymenochaetaceae (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales). Phytotaxa 261: 218-239. DOI:
  10. DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R; SALVADOR-MONTOYA, C.A.; RYVARDEN, L. 2016. Studies in Neotropical polypores 41: a new species of Amylosporus from Caatinga dry woodlands, Brazil. Synopsis Fungorum 35: 4-8. Indisponível na internet.
  11. FELIPINI, R.B.; BONETI, J.I.; KATSURAYAMA, Y.; ROCHA NETO, A.C.; VELEIRINHO, B.; MARASCHIN, M.; DI PIERO, R.M. 2016. Apple scab control and activation of plant defence responses using potassium phosphite and chitosan. European Journal of Plant Pathology 145: 287-293. DOI:
  12. FERREIRA, J.P.R.; HASSEMER, G.; CAMPESTRINI, S.; WEIGEND, M.; TREVISAN, R. 2016. A revision of the extra-Andean Vivianiaceae. Phytotaxa 246: 23-36. DOI:
  13. FERREIRA-LOPES, V.; ROBLEDO, G.L.; RECK, M.A.; GÓES-NETO, A.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2016. Phylloporia spathulata sensu stricto and two new South American stipitate species of Phylloporia (Hymenochaetaceae). Phytotaxa: 257: 133-148. DOI:
  14. FIASCHI, P. 2016. A new species of Dendropanax (Araliaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Brittonia 68: 103-110. DOI:
  15. FIASCHI, P.; PLUNKETT, G.M. 2016. Two new species of the Didymopanax clade of Schefflera (Araliaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon. Phytotaxa 245: 153-160.DOI:
  16. FILIPIN, E.P.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; BARUFI, J.B.BOUZON, Z.L.RANDI, A.M. 2016. The Gametophyte of Pleopeltis lepidopteris (Langsd. & Fisch.) de la Sota (Polypodiaceae), a Fern from Restinga, after Spore Cryopreservation: Morphological, Ultrastructural, and Physiological Analyses. International Journal of Plant Sciences 177: 294-303. DOI:
  17. FILIPIN, E.P.; OURIQUES, L.; PERREIRA, D.T.; BRAUM, F.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; BOUZON, Z.L.; SIMIONI, C. 2016. Evaluation of salinity effects on the release, adhesion, and germination of the tetraspores of Gelidium floridanum (Rhodophyta, Florideophyceae). Journal of Applied Phycology 28: 2925-2938. DOI:
  18. FONINI, A.M.; BARUFI, J.B.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; RODRIGUES, A.C.RANDI, A.M. 2016. Leaf anatomy and photosynthetic efficiency of Acrostichum danaeifolium after UV radiation. Photosynthetica 54: 1-10. DOI:
  19. FUNEZ, L.A.; FERREIRA, J.P.R.; HASSEMER, G.; TREVISAN, R. 2016. First record of the invasive species Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Poaceae, Andropogoneae) in the South Region of Brazil. Check List 12: 1930. DOI:
  20. FUNEZ, L.A.; HASSEMER, G.; TREVISAN, R. 2016. Rediscovery, typification, and conservation assessment of Saranthe ustulata (Marantaceae). Phytotaxa 255: 91-98. DOI:
  21. FURTADO, A.N.M.; DANIËLS, P.; NEVES, M.A. 2016. New species and new records of Clavariaceae (Agaricales) from Brazil. Phytotaxa 253: 1-26. DOI:
  22. GORMAN, D.; TURRA, A.; BERGSTROM, E.R.; HORTA, P. 2016. Population expansion of a tropical seagrass (Halophila decipiens) in the southwest Atlantic (Brazil). Aquatic Botany 132: 30-36. DOI:
  23. HASSEMER, G.; GIOVANNI, R.; TREVISAN, R. 2016. The use of potential distribution models in the study of the distribution and conservation status of plants: The case of Plantago L. (Plantaginaceae) in Brazil. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 143: 38-49. DOI:
  24. HYDE, K.D.; MAFALDA-FREIRE, F.; RECK, M.A.; GÓES-NETO, A.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2016. Fungal diversity notes 367-490: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 80: 1-270. DOI:
  25. HORTA, P.A.; RIUL, P.; AMADO FILHO, G.M.; GURGEL, C.F.D.; BERCHEZ, F.; NUNES, J.M.C.; SCHERNER, F.; PEREIRA, S.; LOTUFO, T.; PERES, L.; SISSINI, M.; BASTOS, E.O.; ROSA, J.; MUNOZ, P.; MARTINS, C.; GOUVÊA, L.; CARVALHO, V.; BERGSTROM, E.; SCHUBERT, N.; BAHIA, R.G.; RODRIGUES, A.C.; RÖRIG, L.; BARUFI, J.B.; FIGUEIREDO, M. 2016. Rhodoliths in Brazil: Current knowledge and potential impacts of climate change. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 64: 117-136. DOI:
  26. KAIPPER-FIGUEIRO, G.; ROBLEDO, G.; RECK, M.A.; GÓES NETO, A.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R. 2016. Antrodia neotropica sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota): a new South American species of Antrodia s.s. from Brazil based on morphological, molecular and ecological data. Nova Hedwigia: 103: 125-143.DOI:
  27. KAWAI, H.; KOGISHI, K.; HANYUDA, T.; ARAI, S.; GURGEL, C.F.D.; NELSON, W.; MEINESZ, A.; TSIAMIS, K.; PETERS, A.F. 2016. Phylogeographic analysis of the brown alga Cutleria multifida (Tilopteridales, Phaeophyceae) suggests a complicated introduction history. Phycological Research64: 3-10. DOI:
  28. LANDO, A.P.; WOLFART, M.R.; FERMINO, P.C.P.; SANTOS, M. 2016. Structural effects on Cattleya xanthina leaves cultivated in vitro and acclimatized ex vitroBiologia Plantarum 60: 219-225. DOI:
  29. LI, G.J.; HYDE, K.D.; ZHAO, R.L.; SINANG, H.; ABDEL-AZIZ, F.A.; ABDEL-WAHAB, M.A.; ALVARADO, P.; ALVES-SILVA, G.; AMMIRATI, J.F.; ARIYAWANSA, H.A.; BAGHELA, A.; BAHKALI, A.H.; BEUG, M.; BHAT, D.J.; BOJANTCHEV, D.; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, E.R.; RECK, M.A.; et al. 2016. Fungal diversity notes 253-366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 78: 1-237. DOI:
  30. LINHARES, F.T.F.; RECK, M.A.; DANIËLS, P.P.; NEVES, M.A. 2016. Gloeocantharellus aculeatus (Gomphaceae), a new neotropical species in the gomphoid-phalloid clade. Phytotaxa 268: 193-202. DOI:
  31. LUZ, G.; FREDERICO, M.J.S.; CASTRO, A.J.G.; MORAES, A.L.L.; CARVALHO, F.K.; ESPÍNDOLA, L.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; BOUZON, Z.L.; PIZZOLATTI, M.G.; SILVA, F.R.M.B. 2016. Triterpene derivative: A potential signaling pathway for the fern-9(11)-ene-2α,3β-diol on insulin secretion in pancreatic islet. Life Sciences 154: 58-65. DOI:
  32. MAGNAGO, A.C.; OLIVEIRA, J.J.S.; NEVES, M.A. 2016. Marasmius magnus (Marasmiaceae), a new species from the southern Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Phytotaxa 266: 271-281. DOI:
  33. MARINHO, L.; FIASCHI, P.; AMORIM, A.M. 2016. Tovomita megantha, a new species of Clusiaceae from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Brittonia 68: 55-60. DOI:
  34. MARINHO, L.C.; FIASCHI, P.; GAHAGEN, B.;SANTOS, F.A.R.; AMORIM, A.M. 2016. Tovomita(Clusiaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Taxonomy and Utility of Leaf Venation Characters at the Species Level. Systematic Botany 41: 758-774. DOI:
  35. MARINHO, L.C.; FIASCHI, P.; SANTOS, F.A.R.; AMORIM, A.M. 2016. Three new species of Tovomita (Clusiaceae) from the Amazon River basin and first record of papillae for Tovomita. Plant Systematics and Evolution 302: 1121-1134. DOI:
  36. MARTINS, M.S.; MASSOCATO, T.F.; HORTA, P.A.BARUFI, J.B. 2016. First record of red macroalgae bloom in Southern Atlantic Brazil. Algae 31: 33-39. DOI:
  37. MICHELANGELI, F.A.; ALMEDA, F.; ALVEAR, M.; BÉCQUER, E.R.; BURKE, J.; CADDAH, M.K.; GOLDENBERG, R.; IONTA, G.M.; JUDD, W.S.; MAJURE, L.C.; MEIRELLES, J.; NICOLAS, A.N.; OCAMPO, G.; PENNEYS, D.S.; SKEAN JR., J.D.; ULLOA, C. 2016. Proposal to conserve Miconia, nom. cons. against the additional names Maieta and Tococa (MelastomataceaeMiconieae). Taxon 65: 892–893. DOI:
  38. NUNES, C.S.; GIL, A.S..B.; TREVISAN, R. 2016. Eleocharis pedrovianae, a new species of Cyperaceae from Northern Brazil (Serra dos Carajás, Pará State). Phytotaxa 265: 85-91. DOI:
  39. OLIVEIRA, E.M.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; PEREIRA, D.T.; BOUZON, Z.L.; OURIQUES, L.C. 2016. Effects of UV-B radiation on germlings of the red macroalga Nemalion helminthoides (Rhodophyta). Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 4: 85-94. DOI:
  40. PERONI, N.HANAZAKI, N.; BEGOSSI, A.; ZUCHIWSCHI, E.; LACERDA, V.D.; MIRANDA, T.M. 2016. Homegardens in a micro-regional scale: contributions to agrobiodiversity conservation in an urban-rural context. Ethnobiology and Conservation: 5: 1-17. DOI:
  41. PILATTI, F.K.; RAMLOV, F.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; KREUSCH, M.; PEREIRA, D.T.; COSTA, C.; OLIVEIRA, E.R.; BAUER, C.M.; ROCHA, M.; BOUZON, Z.L.; MARASCHIN, M. 2016. In vitro exposure of Ulva lactuca Linnaeus (Chlorophyta) to gasoline – Biochemical and morphological alterations. Chemosphere, v. 156, p. 428-437, 2016. DOI:
  42. ROCHA NETO, A.C.; LUIZ, C.; MARASCHIN, M.; DI PIERO, R.M. 2016. Efficacy of salicylic acid to reduce Penicillium expansum inoculum and preserve apple fruits. International Journal of Food Microbiology 221: 54-60. DOI:
  43. RONCHI, H.N.; HASSEMER, G.; ARDISSONE, R.E.; TREVISAN, R. 2016. Novelties in Fimbristylis (Cyperaceae, Abildgaardieae): Three New Species and a Lecto- and Epitypification. Systematic Botany, 41: 166-173. DOI:
  44. ROVAI, A.S.; RIUL, P.; TWILLEY, R.R.; CASTAÑEDA-MOYA, E.; RIVERA-MONROY, V.H.; WILLIAMS, A.A.; SIMARD, M.; CIFUENTES-JARA, M.; LEWIS, R.R.; CROOKS, S.; HORTA, P.A.; SCHAEFFER-NOVELLI, Y.; CINTRÓN, G.; POZO-CAJAS, M.; PAGLIOSA, P.R. 2016. Scaling mangrove aboveground biomass from site-level to continental-scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 286-298. DOI:
  45. ROY, M.; SCHIMANN, H.; BRAGA NETO, R.; SILVA, R.A.E.; DUQUE, J.; FRAME, D.; NEVES, M.A. 2016. Diversity and Distribution of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi from Amazonian Lowland White-sand Forests in Brazil and French Guiana. Biotropica 48: 90-100. DOI:
  46. SANCHES, P.F.; PELLIZZARI, F.; HORTA, P.A. 2016. Multivariate analyses of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seaweed distribution patterns: An evaluation of the role of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Journal of Sea Research 110: 29-38. DOI:
  47. SCHERNER, F.; PEREIRA, C.M.; DUARTE, G.; HORTA, P.A.; CASTRO, C.B.; BARUFI, J.B.; PEREIRA, S.M.B. 2016. Effects of Ocean Acidification and Temperature Increases on the Photosynthesis of Tropical Reef Calcified Macroalgae. PLoS ONE 11: e0154844. DOI:
  48. SCHMIDT, W.E.; GURGEL, C.F.D.; FREDERICQ, S.L. 2016. Taxonomic Transfer of the Red Algal Genus Gloiosaccion to Chrysymenia (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodymeniales), Including the Description of a New Species, Chrysymenia pseudoventricosa, for the Gulf of Mexico. Phytotaxa 243: 54-70. DOI:
  49. SHIBATA, M.; COELHO, C.M.M.; GARCIA, C.; ADAN, N.; PERONI, N. 2016. Physiological and physical quality of local Araucaria angustifolia seed variety. Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy 38: 249. DOI:
  50. SIMONETTI, B.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; PEREIRA, D.T.; BOUZON, Z.L. ; OURIQUES, L.C. 2016. Effects of cadmium on the morphology, pigments, and ultrastructure of Palisada flagellifera (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) cultivated in vitro. Revista Brasileira de Botânica 39: 465-473. DOI:
  51. SOUZA, T.V.; THIESEN, J.F.; LANDO, A.P.; GUERRA, M.P.SANTOS, M. 2016. Morpho-histodifferentiation of Billbergia Thunb. (Bromeliaceae) nodular cultures. Protoplasma 3: 1-9. DOI:
  52. SOUZA, T.V.; THIESEN, J.F.; GUERRA, M.P.; SANTOS, M. 2016. Morpho- and histodifferentiation of shoot regeneration of Billbergia zebrina (Helbert) Lindley nodular cultures. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 127: 393-403. DOI:
  53. SOUSA JÚNIOR, J.R.; COLLEVATTI, R.G.; LINS NETO, E.M. FREITAS; PERONI, N.; ALBUQUERQUE, U.P. 2016. Traditional management affects the phenotypic diversity of fruits with economic and cultural importance in the Brazilian Savanna. Agroforestry Systems 1: 1-11. DOI:
  54. TITO, R.; CASTELLANI, T.T.; FÁVERI, S.B.; LOPES, B.C.; VASCONCELOS, H.L. 2016. From over to undercompensation: Variable responses to herbivory during ontogeny of a Neotropical monocarpic plant. Biotropica 48. DOI:
  55. TSUDA, E.T.; CASTELLANI, T.T. 2016. Vriesea friburgensis: A natural trap or a nurse plant in coastal sand dunes? Austral Ecology 41: 273-281. DOI:
  56. UARROTA, V.G.; MORESCO, R.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; BOUZON, Z.L.; NUNES, E.C.; NEUBERT, E.O.; PERUCH, L.A.M.; ROCHA, M.; MARASCHIN, M. 2016. Data supporting the role of enzymes and polysaccharides during cassava postharvest physiological deterioration. Data in Brief 6: 503-506. DOI:
  57. UARROTA, V.G.; MORESCO, R.; SCHMIDT, E.C.; BOUZON, Z.L.; NUNES, E.C.; NEUBERT, E.O.; PERUCH, L.A.M.; ROCHA, M.; MARASCHIN, M. 2016. The role of ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, and polysaccharides in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots under postharvest physiological deterioration. Food Chemistry 197: 737-746. DOI:
  58. ZANK, S.; ÁVILA, J.V.C.; HANAZAKI, N. 2016. Compreendendo a relação entre saúde do ambiente e saúde humana em comunidades Quilombolas de Santa Catarina. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais 18: 157-167. DOI:
  59. ZANK, S.; HANAZAKI, N. 2016. Healing faith: knowledge, learning and social relationships of healers from Araripe plateau, Brazil. Etnobiology and Conservation 5: 1-15. DOI:
  60. ZORZANELLI, J.P.F.; CARRIJO, T.; FIASCHI, P.; JARDIM, J.G.; AGUILLAR, D.S.; AMORIM, A.M. 2016. A First Record of Freziera (Pentaphylacaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, with the Description of a New Species. Systematic Botany 40: 1075-1080. DOI:×690111