Official List of Threatened Flora Species in the State of Santa Catarina

The world is heading towards a sixth mass extinction. In light of this scenario, initiatives are being taken to enhance the understanding of global biodiversity, bringing together scientists from diverse fields. To protect species, conservation actions become essential. One of the main tools for this purpose is the creation of lists of endangered species (also known as red lists). Through these lists, it is possible to designate conservation areas and develop strategies for the management and recovery of species.

The IUCN is one of the oldest and largest global conservation organizations. It is a union of government departments from various countries, non-governmental organizations (including Indigenous Peoples’ organizations), academic institutions, among others.

One of the goals of the research conducted by Master’s student Daniele Rodrigues Drischel was to critically assess the current Official List of Threatened Flora Species in the State of Santa Catarina, established by Resolution 51/2014 of the State Environmental Council of Santa Catarina. Through legislative analysis, a significant outdatedness of the current list was highlighted. Out of the 314 species names listed, only 155 are currently accepted by the scientific community. Therefore, the official list fails to adequately protect the threatened biodiversity of the state.

In her dissertation, Daniele sought to update knowledge on endangered species in the state through a nomenclatural review of the species listed. With the review completed, the updated lists are now available for consultation at this link